Pop Does Weezer Remix - May 16, 2001
As many of you know, Weezer's new
album arrived on store shelves yesterday. Also, you might notice Weezer
thanks Jimmy Pop on their list of "thanks yous." It's been reported (from
of Lupus' post in Hatebook)
that Jimmy has in fact done a remix of Weezer's "Hash Pipe." No word if
this will be released, but it is complete and has been turned into the
record company. For more info on Weezer check out weezer.com. |
DVD Home Videos for The US?- April 23, 2001
Here's a post from Lupus regarding
the BHG Home Videos (One Fierce Beer Run and Hooray for Groupies): I know
that the German record label (Motor) has expressed interest in releasing
it on DVD. As for the US and other territories, I don't know. If they only
release it in Germany, it will be ok for Europe, but bad for everywhere
else (unless you have a multi-region DVD player). We're hoping to get it
released everywhere on DVD though. This was taken from a post from Hatebook
yesterday. |
Monkey Skeletons, and Skittles?- March 20, 2001
Most of you know about the crazy
demands rock stars have for their pre-show preparation and rituals. Bloodhound
Gang is no different. The Gang was featured in a MTV special focusing on
things rock stars ask for. It was reported that among the list of demands
expect to see a request for a monkey skeleton and Skittles separated by
color. The Skittles are for Jared, as he's an obsessive compulsive. |
theBHG Page Wasn't Here Over the Weekend - March 20, 2001
If you came here over the weekend,
you might have noticed the site was down. I know I have not violated any
of the Terms and therefore was confused about what happened. But, it was
apparently all a mistake, and my site was deleted by accident, along with
a couple of other Tripod memeber sites. |
Page added to yahoo! - February 22, 2001
After many tries Yahoo! has finally
decided to add me to their search engine. About damn time I say, I think
I deserve this. I have no idea why Yahoo! did not add my site before. I
mean, is my site really that crappy??? Well anyways, getting added to Yahoo!
means more exposure for the site. |
With Lupus at www.aquickie.com - February 22, 2001
Spank over at www.aquickie.com
asked Lupus to answer some questions - so he did. The boys at aquickie.com
like alcohol, women, porn, and really bad music. Check it out and learn
about pee streams, drunken weekends and Nikki Dial. |